BAI Chunli Elected Foreign Member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

BAI Chunli, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and member of CAS, was elected foreign member of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) on November 20, the first Chinese scientist to be elected foreign member of NASB. 

NASB confirmed the newly elected members in 2017 through open voting at academician election meeting held in Minsk on November 16. 

BAI Chunli is an internationally renowned chemist and nanotechnology expert who has served as President of The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) since 2012. He was elected  foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2006 and of the Royal Society in 2014. 

He is currently foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences, the Royal Danish Institute of Arts and Sciences, the Australian Academy of Sciences, the German Academy of Engineering, a total of Academy of Sciences or Academy of Engineering in approximately 20 countries. 

Founded on January 1, 1929, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest academic institutions and research guidance center of Belarus, which unites the highly-skilled scientists of different specialties and dozens of research, scientific-production, design and inculcation organizations. 

CAS has established cooperative relations with National Academy of Sciences of Belarus since 1992. The two institutions signed an agreement on science and technology cooperation on December 5, 2005, with lasting academic exchanges.