Look up! First Blue Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in 150 Years

01 24, 2018

A rare total lunar eclipse will occur on the night of Jan. 31 when the moon will be both "super" and "blue," according to Purple Mountain Observatory at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Hu Fanghao, responsible for popular science promotion at the observatory, said a blue moon doesn't refer to its color, but to the second full moon within a calendar month.

The lunar eclipse is special this time because it would be a convergence of multiple lunar events occurring at the same time as a blue and super moon. The last time such an event happened was on March 31, 1866, said Hu.

It was noted that the full moon will appear reddish to the naked eye.

Skywatchers in most parts of the Pacific Rim will be able to see the special eclipse, which will start at 20:51 Beijing Time and last for an hour and 16 minutes.

If skies are clear, people across China can see the eclipse, said Hu. (ecns.cn)
