Training Course on Natural Disaster Monitoring and Risk Reduction of CPEC Was Successfully Held

11 09, 2021
 From August 24 to 28, the China-Pakistan Joint Research Centre on Earth Sciences (aka., CPJRC) organized a training course on natural disaster monitoring and risk reduction of CPEC in Chengdu.        

This training course takes an online and offline combination method. Gao Liang, Second-level Counsel of Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province, Professor Xu Qiang, Vice President of Chengdu University of Technology, Researcher Chen Xiaoqing, Deputy Director of Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS (aka., IMHE), Researcher Su Lijun, Deputy Director of IMHE and Executive Deputy Director of CPJRC, Researcher Ge Yonggang, Deputy Director (presiding) of Science and Technology Department OF IMHE, Professor Cheng Qianqian from Southwest Jiaotong University and other leaders and experts have attended the opening ceremony. The training course has been chaired by Researcher Hong Tianhua, Executive Director of CPJRC.        

At the opening ceremony, Gao Liang from the perspective of Science & Technology Department of Sichuan Province has expressed his expectations for this training course, hoping that students from both sides China and Pakistan through exchanges and study can enhance the awareness and understanding of natural disasters monitoring and reduction, and can contribute Sichuan’s strength to promote the Belt and Road construction. After that, Chen Xiaoqing has introduced CPJRC and this training course briefly, and has expressed gratitude to the experts and scholars for their contributions in the natural disasters monitoring and reduction of CPEC.     

All teachers of this training course are well-known experts and high-end talents in these fields of disaster monitoring, early warning and reduction from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and well-known universities in China. From 25th to 28th, Professor Xu Qiang, Vice President of Chengdu University of Technology, Researcher Li Li, Deputy Director of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (IGP-CEA), Prof. Shi Bin of Nanjing University, Prof. Li Zhenhong of Chang’an University, Prof. Cheng Qiangong of Southwest Jiaotong University, Researcher  Yang Xiaodong, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS (aka., SCSIO) Researcher Li Yineng of SCSIO, Special Research Assistant Zheng Tingting of SCSIO, and Researcher Guo Xiaodong, Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS give their courses in terms of Early Identification, Monitoring and Warning of Landslide Hazards, Principle for Earthquake Observation and Its Application, Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Technology and Its Applications in Geo-Engineering Monitoring, Satellite Radar Observations in Support of Geo-disaster Risk Reduction, Monitoring and Early warning of Rock Avalanche, Marine Geohazards and Their Monitoring and Warning System, Forecasting of Typhoons and Storm Surges, and Monitoring and Early warning of Debris Flow.

Almost 51 Students from 13 units, such as, Zhejiang University, Southwest Jiaotong University, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology have participated in this offline training course, while more than 400 Chinese and Pakistani online students have participated in this training course by livestreaming or voov meeting.   


Group Photo of the Opening Ceremony

Leaderships’ Speeches

Invited Guests who Attending the Opening Ceremony

Photos of Some Teachers’ Course Teaching

Offline Student Course Discussion

Executive Director Hong Tianhua Issues Training Certificates for Offline Participants
